Do you have a copy of Dr. Z's book Rebuild?
It is an absolute game-changer for ANYONE looking to recover and rebuild from an unresolved chronic health issue or disease.

We look forward to being a part of your personal rebuild.
Remember, a diagnosis is not your destiny!
870 Post Road,
Darien, CT 06820
Contact our office for a consultation with Dr. Z
Heading North on I-95:
Take Exit 12 — turn left at the end of the ramp. At the light, turn right onto Post Road (Route 1). Go under the railroad bridge, straight through the first light, pass in front of our white building with columns to the next light. At that intersection, turn right into the municipal parking lot between our building and the firehouse. As soon as you pull into the lot, immediately turn right and go through the entrance to our private lot (between the trees). This will put you directly behind our white building. Please come around to the front door.
Heading South on I-95
Take Exit 13 — at the end of the ramp, go straight to the second stop sign (you will cross halfway over the Post Road). Turn left onto Post Road (Route 1). Go straight through two lights into the center of town. At the third light you will see the firehouse on the left and Post Corner Pizza on the right. Turn left into the municipal parking lot between our building and the firehouse. As soon as you pull into the lot, immediately turn right and go through the entrance to our private lot (between the trees). This will put you directly behind our white building.
North or South on Merritt Prkwy:
Take Exit 37 — turn right at the end of the ramp to go south on Route 124 (Mansfield Avenue). Continue straight on Route 124/Mansfield Avenue until it ends at Post Road (Route 1). At that light, continue straight across Post Road into the municipal parking lot between the firehouse and our white building with pillars. As soon as you pull into the lot, immediately turn right and go through the entrance to our private lot (between the trees). This will put you directly behind our white building. Please come around to the front door.
Get into the Z-Zone
Dr. Z is fired up, ready to ignite the persistence and grit of those who are fed up, pissed off, and determined to reclaim their health and their bodies.
We look forward to being a part of your personal rebuild
“A diagnosis is not your destiny”
© 2020 Dr. Robert Zembroski
Meet Dr. Zembroski
Members of the press are welcome to contact Dr. Z regarding any requests at info@darienfm.com
Connect with Dr. Z